In late 2021 or early 2022 a group of “frens” from southern Ontario got together, drawing on their experiences with previous nationalist groups, to form their own neo-Nazi active club for southwestern Ontario. Beginning with stickering campaigns and now having moved on to meetups and training in boxing/MMA, they are becoming more active with potential for more of their form of hate, threats, and “activism” on the horizon. With that said, it’s time to unmask some of them before they do.
Updated August, 2024 with more information.
As to not repeat anything that’s already been said about them, it’s recommended you read these two articles about Nationalist-13 and their network to accompany this post, I’ll add more links at the end of this post:
- “Hamilton’s neo-Nazis claim to the part of the ‘fastest growing nationalist community in Canada” (LaFleche, 2023)
- “Former Canadian Proud Boys behind neo-Nazi propaganda network” (Smith, 2022)
In summary, former Canadian Proud Boys and friends (some American) help operate a network of neo-Nazi propaganda channels on social media, including ‘Canada First’ and the ‘Western Chauvinist’. The Proud Boys brand is banned in Canada as a terrorist entity so it was after that and an ideological split that the Canadian PB’s eventually became more overtly Nazi. This led to failed attempts at networking in person and eventually led to the formation of Nationalist-13 with members in Hamilton, Brantford, and the area.
Neo-Nazi active clubs are “decentralized local organizations dedicated to sport, martial arts training, propaganda and street actions.” (GPAHE, 2023). In Canada the main Active Club brand was run by the Vinland Hammerskins, but that doesn’t appear to be the case with Nationalist-13.

Old deleted Telegram group before Nationalist-13 was formed

Nationalist-13 logo
Operating independently likely shielded their group from the fallout of the Active Club brand’s legal troubles in Canada. They organize in person meetups with their group in Hamilton and occasionally with other regional active club type groups from Ontario,Quebec, and the United States. There also seems to be some push to move their group closer to Diagolon, especially to Diagolon leaders like Alex Vriend (aka Ferryman), which warrants monitoring in the future.
Fast facts:
- Nationalist-13 has around 15-20 members
- 13 in their name stands for AC or “Aryan cult” or Active Club depending on who you talk to.
- Members are from Hamilton, Brantford, Niagara, St Catherines, and Southwestern Ontario
- Steel City Nationalist Club (Hamilton) and Bell City Nationalists (Brantford) were two failed splinter groups comprised of members of Nationalist-13.
- The Proud Boys were listed as a terrorist entity in 2021
- Active Club Canada has three members with current terrorism charges, Patrick MacDonald, Kristopher Nippak, and Matthew Althorpe.
- Nationalist-13 support Diagolon and appear to be trying to improve that relationship
“If the big bad NS punchers wanna take their shot, here we are” – Nationalist-13 Telegram.

Brandon Lapointe, Nationalist-13
Brandon Lapointe – previously identified as one of the former Canadian Proud Boys running a neo-Nazi social media network, Brandon is also the former leader of the local Hamilton Proud Boys. Brandon appears to either be the leader or a co-leader of Nationalist-13, appearing in most group photos and appearing to run the Nationalist-13 social media accounts, as well as stickering campaigns to push hate and recruit for their group. Brandon has also gone to meetups with Active Club Canada, and was part of the short lived Steel City Nationalist Club.

Brandon Lapointe with Nationalist-13, 2022

Brandon Lapointe with Active Club Canada, 2021 or 2022

Brandon Lapointe in a Nationalist-13 video with Confederate, red ensign, sonnerad, and N-13 flags.

Tim Kelly, Nationalist-13
Tim Kelly – small round angry unfunny comic from Brantford, also previously identified as a former Proud Boy that is part of a neo-Nazi social media network, Tim was considered a “Proud Boy elder” with connections to other Proud Boys leaders like Enrique Tarrio. Tim was seen at the convoy occupation of Ottawa in 2022 hanging out with Diagolon neo-Nazi Alex Vriend, and he was part of the short lived/failed Bell City Nationalist Club out of Brantford.

Tim Kelly with Nationalist-13, 2023

Tim Kelly with the Bell City Nationalists in July, 2023

Tim Kelly at the convoy occupation of Ottawa in 2022 with Diagolon neo-Nazi Alex Vriend.
Some extra reading about Tim Kelly:
- “The continued collapse of the Proud Boys: A brief look at Gavin McInnes, Tim Kelly, and Matt Linder” (ARC, 2018)
- “Tim vs Tim! Tim vs Tim!” (ARC, 2019)

Gabe Costen, Nationalist-13
Gabe Costen – also goes by Gabe Baker, like Tim and Brandon is also a former Canadian Proud Boy who was named along with them in previous articles. Gabe appears in many of the group meetups and in training compilation videos.

Gabe Costen and Nationalist-13 in Oakville at the St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery monument for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the S.S., 2023

Gabe Costen with Nationalist-13 in Niagara, 2024

Gabe Costen in Nationalist-13 video that he shared on his social media

Kurt Hitchens, Nationalist-13
“Kurt Hitchens” – Though we are unable to confirm if this is his real name, it is what he goes by on multiple platforms and old social media accounts. Kurt is a wildly racist man who’s been responsible for some of the stickering campaigns across Hamilton with both Nazi and Active Club recruiting propaganda. He’s gone to many of their meetups in person for training and sparring, and was part of the short lived failed Hamilton group the Steel City Nationalist Club.

Kurt Hitchens with Nationalist-13, 2023

Sample of Nazi and Active Club propaganda put in Hamilton by Kurt Hitchens

Kurt Hitchens in a Nationalist-13 video

Rob Corrigan Nationalist-13
Rob Corrigan – from St. Catherines and one of the younger members, he’s a regular sight at their group meetups and training video compilations. He also has a relative who’s very likely part of the group or connected to them in some way, but we aren’t identifying them at this point.

Rob Corrigan with Nationalist-13 in Niagara, 2024

Rob Corrigan on Nationalist-13 Telegram post and his own social media.

Rob Corrigan with Nationalist-13, 2024

Tamara Grant, Nationalist-13
Tamara Grant – from Hamilton and the wife of Brandon Lapointe, mother of Ethan Brewer Grant. She appears in some group photos and used to run a now deleted small racist Telegram page with Brandon.

Tamara Grant with Nationalist-13, 2023

Tamara Grant, Nationalist-13

Sample from the deleted Telegram page run by Tamara Grant and Brandon Lapointe

Ethan Brewer Grant, Nationalist-13
Ethan Brewer Grant – son of Tamara Grant, stepson of Brandon Lapointe, from the east coast of Canada and only recently came to Hamilton. Among the first things he did while in Ontario was to hang out with his stepfathers group. Ethan is also into creating music, so it’s a concern that his stepfather is grooming him to be a fascist rapper.

Ethan Brewer Grant with Nationalist-13, 2024

Ethan Brewer Grant, Nationalist-13

Ethan Brewer Grant and a Sonnerad flag owned by his stepfather Brandon, Nationalist-13

Keith Ono, Nationalist-13
Keith Ono – Keith, who’s from Kitchener, is another former Canadian Proud Boy, honourably discharged from Canadian Armed Forces, and is now into fitness/MMA. Has “Hold Fast” tattooed on his knuckles, a gun on the side of his head, and a red sun tattoo on his neck which could indicate Japanese heritage in his family.

Keith Ono with Nationalist-13, 2024

Keith Ono, gun tattoo, Nationalist-13

Keith Ono wearing a Proud Boys hat

Nicolas Bennett, Nationalist-13
Nicolas Bennett – Nicholas is a tattoo artist and former Proud Boy from London and Goderich, who was also named as being part of the neo-Nazi network of social media channels with the others. He calls himself Aryan Theocratic Socialist (Nazigoof loser) and is part of the Church of Aryanity which is an online Nazi cult mostly based in the United States. His role with Nationalist-13 is more of a support one. Some extra reading on him:

Steven Barker, Nationalist-13
Steven Barker – from Hamilton and friend of Brandon Lapointe, is one of the regulars that comes to the group meetups for sparring and propaganda pictures in Hamilton, has almost no social media presence but has appeared on the groups Telegram page. Has a Totenkopf tattoo on his left hand with “heil” on the knuckles.

Steven Barker on the Nationalist-13 Telegram page, and from his own social media

Steven Barker with Nationalist-13, 2023

Steven Barkers tattoos
Associated Active Clubs:
Frontenac Active Club (Montreal and area) – this active club is led by Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald who’s previously been in groups such as La Muete and Atalante and participated in the Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ rally. Another member of FAC is one of the former leaders of White Lives Matter Quebec, Raphaël Dinucci St-Hilaire. Frontenac AC has met up with Nationalist-13 at least four times now.

Shawn Beauvais MacDonald from Frontenac AC at a meetup with Nationalist-13

Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald (left) and Raphaël Dinucci St-Hilaire from Frontenac Active Club

Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald (and Raphaël Dinucci St-Hilaire from Frontenac Active Club
Toronto Fitness Club – some of TFC is made up from former members of White Lives Matter Toronto/Canada and the Canadian Nationalist Patriots, such as Spencer aka “McLeafin”. They have met up with Nationalist-13 at least three times.

Toronto Fitness Club at a meetup with Nationalist-13 in Hamilton

Spencer aka McLeafin at a Toronto convoy/anti-vaxx rally

Toronto Fitness Club
Great Lakes Active Club and Wisconsin Active Club – both active clubs crossed the border from Michigan and Wisconsin for a meetup with Nationalist-13 recently in Goderich, Ontario, hosted by Nicolas Bennett. Inviting those clubs to Canada shows the cooperation between active clubs whether it’s by state, province, or country.

Great Lakes Active Club, Wisconsin Active Club, Toronto Fitness Club, Frontenac Active Club, during a meetup with Nationalist-13 in Goderich Ontario, August 2024

Logos of groups at the meetup in Goderich, Ontario, hosted by Nicolas Bennett
While this isn’t every member of Nationalist-13, it’s only a matter of time before we confirm the rest.
If you know anything about anyone in this group, reach out.
Extra images:

Old red Nationalist-13 red logo

Nationalist-13 failed splinter groups Steel City Nationalist Club (Hamilton), and Bell City Nationalists (Brantford)

Two Nationalist-13 members cuddling in the snow in Hamilton, 2023

Nationalist-13 group photo, 2023

Nationalist-13 group photo, 2023

Samples of Nationalist-13 stickering around southwestern Ontario, mostly Hamilton.
Further reading:
- “Hate propaganda spread through neo-Nazi icons and memes”, (LaFleche, 2023)
- “The Proud Boys Never Fully Went Away” (Hart/Davies, 2022)
- “Neo-Nazi Fight Clubs Have Gone Dark Since Terror Arrests in Canada” (Lamoureux, 2024)
- ”Neo-Nazi Active Clubs Spreading Globally, Allying with Similar Extremists, and Taking to the Streets”, (GPAHE, 2023)
- ”Pleins feux sur Shawn Beauvais MacDonald, le Neo-Nazii de NDG” (Montreal Antifasciste Info, 2023)
- ”A New Church for Racists: Inside the Church of Aryanity” (Left Coast Right Watch, 2022)